The Curse of Static Elevators
Elevators are such a convenient service - when they’re working, which for Warner Hall on the Midtown Campus, seems to be a few hours each week before it runs out of steam and wears one of these many signs for the rest of the week. Ah, another fine Oddity of the University.
This has happened not only once, but at least three or four times this past month, meaning that nearly every week of the month of October into November the elevator was broken at some point.
What’s going on?
My assumption is that the elevator is simply old and is in need of new parts and tender loving care, but it’s not getting the attention it needs. Poor thing.
To be frank, it’s become quite an issue. Warner has only one elevator, and for people who use wheelchairs or have other disabilities, they need the elevator to be running. Once or twice a semester is forgivable, but this is a chronic issue. Why hasn’t the University come to grips with the problem then? Is there only one elevator technician who can’t seem to get around to fixing the elevator properly? I have more questions than I do answers, but I do know this is a recurring problem, not only in Warner Hall but across both campuses.
In the past few years, Berkshire Hall’s elevator was not working nearly every other week.
The elevator in Grasso Hall likes to hold people captive a few times a week and then work the rest of the time, although it did break once or twice.
I’m fairly certain the second elevator in White Hall hasn’t been working for some time, near the wheelchair ramp on the third floor.
And let’s not forget the glass elevator in the middle of the Haas Library that was broken for nearly two months from September to October of this year.
Why are elevators such an issue at this University?
I set out initially to document the trials of the Warner Hall elevator, but soon came to realize that this was a much larger issue, and one that seems to have been ongoing for some time. But why?
I’ll pay attention to any more static elevators, but in the meantime, let me know what you think of this problem. Should this be something the University should pay closer attention to?
Keep your eyes open.