The Stay Puft Man Would Be Proud
It’s not every day that I get to reminisce about the classic sci-fi film Ghostbusters when walking away from my Monday morning class. But a few weeks ago, I got to do just that as I found this peculiar sight stuck to the window in the overbridge connected to the White Street parking garage, the bridge over that infamous crosswalk that has injured countless students of the University.
Just in case that picture isn’t explicit enough, that right there is a roasty toasty marshmallow on a stick that some person plastered onto the window of the overbridge.
I laughed for a good thirty seconds when I saw that roasted sugarball of art upstaging the nearby sharpie graffiti and generic skating company sticker on the wall.
I was walking along the overbridge and following my friends through the overbridge when I saw a form on the window and at first I thought it was bird as I saw it in my peripheral vision and glanced back to see the sticky mass on the window. In my three years as a student of Western, I never quite ran into something like that marshmallow. It was just so bizarre and out of place; had it been near the café or Warner hall where events are frequently held, I wouldn’t have been quite so out of place. Concurrently, I wouldn’t have seen it in those places because someone probably would have seen it and cleaned it up. But the overbridge? No one checks in there, and I think that was part of the brilliance of it.
It’s fun to think of how it got there. Perhaps a student torched a marshmallow and chucked it at the window. Maybe it was taken from a Sodexo event and deposited landscape style for all the people passing through the overbridge to enjoy. In the end, who really knows, but for such a peculiar find, it warrants some thought.
I haven’t gone back to check on the marshmallow and see if it was still there, but who knows: it still may be stuck there, a monument fused to that pane of glass in the overbridge. In the meantime, keep an eye open for more oddities at the University.