CEC has big plans for Western's community service clubs
Community Engagement Committee (CEC) is a committee under the Student Government Association (SGA) whose mission is to unite all community service and volunteer efforts, on and off campus. The committee’s current ambition is to establish a system through which students can receive official recognition for their community service efforts.
Western currently provides an online reporting system to allow students to clock their service hours. CEC is coordinating with Student Affairs to provide certificates of recognition for the clocked hours. Students will receive additional certificates for staff initiated events such as the "Western Day of Service" and "Make a Difference Week."
“I don’t think anybody does this for their resume. I think students feel an obligation and a sense of commitment because it’s the right thing to do, and so many high schools have a service requirement,” said Dean Cramer of Student Affairs.
“Community service provides opportunities for teamwork and leadership as well as skill building opportunities in planning and coordinating,” he added.
Numerous clubs and organizations at Western promote community service as a core element of their missions. The Division of Students Affairs would like to establish the committee as an umbrella resource for both internal clubs and external organizations.
Kiely Hultgren, the chair of CEC emphasizes, “The committee is not just for SGA senators and e-board members. We are excited for a WCSU student of any background to come to our weekly meetings in room 216 of the midtown Student Center at 4 p.m."