WCSU Student Thrown from Crosswalk
Starting as a walk across the street on the midtown campus of Western Connecticut State University led to a hospital visit for a student last Wednesday, according to Assistant Fire Chief Mark Omasta.
A driver struck Christopher Percoco, 23, a senior communication major of New Milford, underneath the overpass causing him to be thrown 10 feet to the ground and then drove away. Percoco was treated and released at Danbury Hospital, according to Paul Steinmetz, Director of Community Relations and Public Affairs at WCSU.
Percoco used the flashing lights to indicate he would cross before stepping onto the crosswalk, according to witnesses.
It is unsure what type of car hit the student and police are still searching for the driver, Steinmetz said.
In recent years, precautions have been taken to increase the safety for crossing the street on campus.
“There has been definite improvements to the safety of pedestrians via the crosswalk,” Lauren Muller, a senior, said. “Flashing lights have been added to catch the attention of oncoming traffic so that traffic sees pedestrians are either walking or waiting to walk. There is also an overhead bridge.”
Even with these improvements, accidents have still occurred. No further discussion on finding more ways to improve safety at this busy crosswalk have taken place, according to Steinmetz.